A Spot of Telly from the Basket!

Anna and Felix have gone to the library, I have just given Stelly some yoghurt and Kasp is watching tv with the headphones on. I'm still doing some testing on the new BrownPost setup, between playing with the trainset, looking for the dummy and watching kids telly.
Here are the issues at present:
1] It seems that the page is not loading properly in Internet Explorer.
2] Firefox has a plugins warning that appears at the top of the page stating that a plugin is required to view content on the page. However, no content is missing and if you click to install the allegedly missing plugin it then says that no suitable plugin could be found. Nice.
3] Posting via email is working ok. Nearly. Posting from the phone works fine. Posting from Outlook on Windows XP works fine. But posting from Mail on OS X works not fine.
I'll give it a try posting from gmail in the browser and see how that works out.


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