Ce matin...

We were awakened this morning to the sound of Air (with Francois Hardy) and their splendid song "Jeanne". It's a pretty decent waking up tune, a sort of sleepy, dreamy, deppy French number, mellow, slow and with a nice plinky plinky intro. Just the ticket for 6.30 in the A.M.. However, the effect was somewhat spoiled by accompanying "Bzz bzz bzz" from the phone upon which it was being played.

We were four in the bed this morning at dawn. It does tend to vary from day to day, depending on various variables. Bad dreams, coughs, irritation, volume of purring etc. Sometimes we get lucky and manage to have the whole 180cm to ourselves the whole night through, othertimes there can be any of several combinations. Us, both boys, one cat. Us, one boy, one cat. In fact it is far too complex to explain without resorting to algebra.

Anyway, following nine minutes of snoozing there was a request to hear the whole song, after which there was a moment of quiet before the tranquil mood was shattered by The Beastie Boys, "Sabotage" which was the following track.

Being a Pappa is grand.


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