Brass monkey weather...

It was cold today man. Brass monkeys. Well, I know it's going to get a lot chillier over the next few months, but today was a damn sight colder than yesterday, that's for sure. And that watery sun we saw this afternoon was probably the last peep we're likely to get for the foreseeable future. Let's face it, for the next six months snow is a possibility for each and every day you can be arsed to poke your nose outdoors.

Six freaking months. That's just plum ridiculous.

I mean why would anybody with an ounce of brain want to live somewhere where it can snow for half the bleeding year? Hmm? It just ain't right. Just because we are mammals, just because we can, why do we have to? Is it to big ourselves up in front of the reptiles?
Maybe. But I don't think they're that impressed anyway, so why bother? So who started it? Who first came up with the idea to live here? I guess it was The Missing Link or Cro-Magnon man or some other type of hairy arse big forehead schmucko who, let's be honest, wasn't exactly reknowned for being the sharpest tool in the box.

Don't tell me it's upfriskande. Don't tell me there's no dalig weather only dalig klader. Don't tell me well go live in some hot stinky country if you don't like it mr foreign type man.

Just shut up and give me a blanket.


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